Port de Chouzé-sur-Loire©N. Van Ingen


The cultural heritage of the Park has lived on through centuries. The beauty of the tufa buildings and the French horse-riding traditions reveal a certain prestige. Basketry or the Loire navy witness ancient know-how. The game of “boule de fort” is the sport of the valley.

Bateau à Chouzé-sur-Loire©Nicolas Van Ingen
Loire On the water

The Loire is a major communication route for the transportation of goods up to the 19th century. But it still is a wild and moody river. Bargees need...

Taille de pierre©Nicolas Van Ingen
Built heritage Architecture

From prestigious monuments to modest houses, tufa stone is the main construction material of the Loire-Anjou-Touraine Park giving way to many...

boule de fort à proximité d'un cochonnet

The “boule de fort”, less known than the petanque, is a traditional game typical of Anjou. Players are members of circles. The game is played on a...

champ multicolore de plantation d'osier
Basketry Agriculture

An ancient art, basketry still lives on, especially in Villaines-les-Rochers. Whether it is for baskets or decorations, osier gives limitless...

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Val de Loire

The Loire-Anjou-Touraine Regional Natural Park was founded over 20 years ago. Together with local authorities and stakeholders, it implements an...

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Val de Loire

Beyond the famous river and castles of the Loire valley, the Loire-Anjou-Touraine Park federates a territory with rich and diversified naturel...

Agriculture Unusual

Thanks to rich soils and a mild climate, the Loire-Anjou-Touraine Park territory is most suitable for agricultural activities. Certain productions...

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Domaine Ratron - Clos des Cordeliers

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Guided tour Plants

Parc naturel régional Loire-Anjou-Touraine

Inventory of the flora of Anché, the wood and the Vienne riversides. Some comments are available on request.

14 Jul. 2021 - 18 Aug. 2021
Guided tour Rivers

Croisières Saumur Loire

During a stroll along the Loire, the Robert & Marcel cellars will let you taste some of their best bottles. In an unforgettable setting and with the...