Château du Rivau

Places to go

Looking for well-advised tips on places to go? Choose among our “Valeurs Parc naturel regional” label network partners and you will discover the most interesting cultural and natural heritage sites. You will find remarkable spots and hidden treasures of great quality and welcome.

Château et Jardins du Rivau à Lémeré
Heritage sites

Visit the “hottest” heritage sites. The following not to be missed key venues commit to take you on very rich heritage tours with audacity...

Artisan vannier au travail, à Villaines-les-Rochers
Know-how Basketry

Meet the craftsmen who carry on the basketry tradition. They are passionate people and open the doors of their workrooms for you, eager to share their...

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Heritage sites
Château de Montreuil-Bellay©Nicolas Van Ingen
Architecture Castle

Imposing castles built by the French Kings or more modest manor houses … the territory offers a high concentration of exceptional buildings. From the...

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Guided tour Rivers

Croisières Saumur Loire

On tuesday, at night, embark on our boat to admire the beauty of the Loire during a guided cruise at sunset. Discover the wild river with its...

Exhibition Built heritage and history

Maison du Parc

With its 900km, the "Loire by bike" (Loire à Vélo) is one of the most beautiful French cycle routes. It will soon highlight a surprising heritage: the...

05 Jun. 2021 - 07 Nov. 2021
Exhibition Animals

Maison du Parc

Bats or chiroptera, are plentiful in Loire-Anjou-Touraine. Very discreet, they live in the darkness of troglos... These little known neighbours, are...