Pêche au filet barrage©Nicolas Van Ingen


The Loire-Anjou-Touraine Park with its many streams is a fisherman’s paradise! Amateurs and professionals practice angling, gear and net fishing. And here is what they catch: pikes, carpuses, pikeperches, silurids and godgeons.

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La pêche en Loire, une pratique encadrée

Fishery on the territory has been ruled by law ever since the Middle Ages. Today, the catch of certain emblematic species is supervised and only allowed to professionals. This is the case for river lamprey, eel, elver and also shad. Even hobby fishers need to get a fishing permit valid for freshwater fishery and the specific fishing area. When you see fishers on the riverside or on ponds, they are all members of an association accredited for fishery and water habitat protection. They fish in areas the association has negotiated a right to fish for with local authorities or private owners. Actually, the rivers are not all public: the Indre and the Thouet for example are partly private. It’s the owner’s choice whether he wants to open or rent a part of it to a fishery association!

Some parts can be used simultaneously by professional and hobby fishers: fishing hot spots are to be shared! The main issue is the conciliation of the different usages and the safeguard of the water habitats.

Animation pêche encadrée par la Fédération de pêche 49©Jérôme Paressant

The professional fishermen of the Park

There are only two professional fishermen left in the Loire-Anjou-Touraine Park. They are the only ones to have permits for the use of certain equipment such as the so-called « dideau » (large net stretched out across the river), the seine, the so-called “verveux” (conic keepnet with metal rings) or the so-called “filet-barrage” (another keepnet) which used to be the typical equipment on the Loire river but has nearly disappeared nowadays. All of the mentioned equipment is said to be passive, because the fish run into the nets and are not being actively caught.

Professional fishermen have the status of farm business managers. The State allocates licences and leases fishery lots to them for a renewable period of 5 years. They keep a register mentioning every catch in order to keep an eye on the sustainable management of this resource. Local restaurant owners buy from the professional fishermen. But the fishermen also cook and transform the river produce, mainly in the form of fish terrines. Who wants to try?

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